Male Frederic Tabner

Frederic was born in 1834.

General Notes

1841 Census shows that he was 6 years of age and living in Worlington, Mildenhall, Suffolk.  In this census he is shown as being his grandparents Robert and Ann Tabner.
1851 Census shows that he was 17 years of age, born in Worlington, Suffolk and lodgng in Church Worlington, Mildenhall, Suffolk.
1861 Census shows that he was 27 years of age, born in Worlington, Suffolk and living in Church Street, Worlington, Mildenhall, Suffolk. In this census a daughter named Harriet Tabner, 6 years of age is shown as being with them on the night of the census.
1871 Census shows that he was 37 years of age, born in Worlington, Suffolk and living in Worlington, Mildenhall, Suffolk.

Occupation Details

1851 Census shows that he was a Farm Labourer.
1861 Census shows that he was an Agricutlural Labourer.
1871 Census shows that he was a Labourer on a Farm.

Death Notes

Death was registered between July-Sept 1879 in Mildenhall Registration District at 42 years of age.  His name was shown as Frederick Tabnor Died at the age of 45 in 1879.

Frederic's family with Sarah Tabner

Frederic and Sarah were married in 1859.  They had six sons named Albert, John, Silas, Arthur, Josiah and Jacob.
Marriage was registered between July-Sept 1859 in Mildenhall Registration District.


Male Albert Tabner
Albert was born in 1863.

Male John Tabner
John was born in 1864.

Male Silas Tabner
Silas was born in 1868.

Male Arthur Tabner
Arthur was born in 1872.

Male Josiah Tabner
Josiah was born in 1872.

Male Jacob Tabner
Jacob was born in 1875.